The Motor Pool is the ground vehicle production structure of the Renegades and Guardians in 8-Bit Armies.
Game structure[]
The Motor Pool allows for production of ground vehicle units. Building more Motor Pool reduces the build time of each vehicle.
Harvester Collects resources and returns them to refinery for processing. Can crush infantry.
Armored Car Fast scout vehicle. Good against infantry.
Tank Slow cannon unit. Good against vehicles and structures. Cannot shoot aircraft. Can crush infantry and civilian structures. Requires Tech Lab.
Artillery Long range area-of-effect unit. Good against tightly grouped targets. Cannot shoot aircraft. Requires Radar.
Heavy Tank Slower tank with dual-fire cannon and rocket packs for anti-aircraft protection. Good against vehicles and structures. Can crush infantry and civilian structures. Cannot enter transports. Requires Radar and Missile Silo.
Rocket Car Fast scout vehicle. Good against vehicles and aircraft.
APC Transport Unarmed transport. Can hold ten infantry.
Scorch Tank Fires cone of flame at target. Good against massed infantry and structures. Requires Tech Lab.
Siege Artillery Long range unit. Good against structures and stationary vehicles. Cannot shoot aircraft. Requires Radar.
Spectre Light unit with stealth capability. Good against vehicles and structures. Cannot shoot aircraft. Requires Radar.